Reporting abuse

If you, or someone you know, have been the victim of rape or sexual assault, whether recently or in the past, or you are the parent of a child this has happened to, staff at The Rowan can provide you with practical information, support and services to help you make your own, more informed decision about the next steps to take.

Sexual violence can occur against family members, a partner, other friends and strangers. It can take place in any setting, including home or other public places. It can happen at any time in life from infancy to old age and involves girls and boys, men and women both as victims and abusers. Many different types of groups can experience specific problems in relation to sexual abuse. These include people with disabilities; those with mental health needs; homeless people; those who are gay, lesbian and bisexual and transgender; and those from different cultures and religious backgrounds.

Children, teenagers and adults can find it hard to tell anyone about the abuse. But remember, as hard as it is to talk about it, it can be an important step towards recovery.

It may also be important to meet with a specially trained Doctor. While often there are no medical symptoms that require attention, sometimes there are.

We, here at The Rowan, understand all of this and want to help you to recover both physically and emotionally from your experience. Remember, it was not your fault.

What you can do now:

  • You may contact The Rowan directly on our Free Phone Helpline 0800 389 4424 We will listen, not judge, and help you decide what next steps to take. 
  • Alternatively, you may report the matter to the Police Service of Northern Ireland on 101 for non-emergency matters, who also will advise us.
  • However, if you need to escape a dangerous situation or have sustained serious injuries that require immediate medical attention, dial 999 for an emergency response.