
This website is managed by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust.

We aim to make this site as accessible as possible. If you experience any kind of problem or have any feedback about it, please email

We have provided web accessibility information for key areas of our website.


This website is Browsealoud enabled.

Browsealoud is a speech enabling program that makes web content more accessible to anyone with difficulties reading. Simply by pointing your mouse at an area of text, a menu or a hyperlink, Browsealoud will read it out loud.

This is a free service and you can download the software at

Alternative text

We try to make sure that all images on this site have brief alternative text which, where appropriate, identifies an image or its function. This alternative text (alt-text) is generally only visible when the browser’s automatic image loading feature is turned off, or when you rollover an image with your mouse.


All text links should be written so that they make sense when read out of context.


If requested, we can provide documents in other formats, including Braille, CD, audio cassette and minority languages. If you would like a document in an alternative format, please contact the Trust’s Equality Unit at:

Tel: (028) 276 61377
Fax: 028 276 61209
Mobile: 07825667154

Text size

The text on this website can be resized using the Text resize tool at the top of each webpage. It looks like this: A A A

If you need any further help, please ring the The Rowan Centre on (028) 9442 4340.